Tuesday 20 September 2011

Deco - Reco project.

I've done it. Finally.

Quick draft.

Okay, so you've alreayd seen the basic idea behind the project Deco-Reco. Find an image and copy it.

I shot my images yesterday, only to realise that the person whose hands I borrowed had a ring on. I'm going to have to try and edit it out, not that it will be easy, or re-shoot later. I'm hoping that I can edit it in all honesty.

This isn't my final edited version, quite simply just a draft up of what it should lok like while I had a little practive last night. A lot of work is stil necessasary.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

College project, part 1.

Last year I was never any good at the commercial part of the course, creating adverts for products. In fact, it was my least fabourite project. However there was a lot of guidance in all the wrong places last year. This time we have very little guidance and I'm already feeling more confident about it.

We're starting with a series of tasks, one of which is deco-reco. This is the first we have to do. Whilst everybody else in my class seems to have chosen jewelry or shoe adverts, I've opted for Ice Cream. Only now, I am starting to realise where there could actually be a few difficulties.

I think I have most of the problems sorted, I just need to find a material I can substitute for Ice Cream. I know how many shots I need, what of, and the editing that will be necessary afterward.

I even have my lighting diagram sorted out, my very bad drawing..

I know, my drawing skills aren't that great but I don't intend to be an artist at the end of this, I intend to be a photographer.

First day back at college.

I have two portraits taken at college on the first day, which, although they are not formal portraits and were only taing messing about at lunch time, I do like the images.

Meg won't appreciate me uploading this image, but I do love it. I love the detail in the image, and the small aperture means the background is soft, out of focus.

this image is just fun, Jenny, the lovely girl in the background had worn a new wig to college and Lily took it upon herself to try it on. Again, the small aperture focuses on Lily.